Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Horse Show

The greatest four days of my life. Here are two videos;

We qualified to move up to training level :D
Wisey was a show stopper and tons of people came up and said  how adorable he was. We also ran into his breeders and half brother. Here are them next to each other, they look A LOT alike.
Sadie and Ann competed against us (Sadie is Wisey's girlfriend) and neither of us are overly competitive so it was fun :D Here she is:
HAFLINGERS EVERYWHERE :) I also met the sweetest girl ever, Jessie. She was competing in the upper levels with her horse Dutch and she was going to ride Wisey if I was too sick. She is amazing and Wisey liked her a lot.

Most exciting part was probably when Wisey got super excited and decided to do a "victory lap" and we cantered around the arena four or five times before Cathy got him to stop. We scratched that class :P
I could literally write about it forever. It was amazing. Absolutely amazing. I want to do this for a living. I really do.

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