Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dressage Training

One week until the show! WHEW! It has been a long road, and I can't really believe we made it. Well, Wisey making it was a  given. More me being too sick to practice and whatnot. But that isn't the point - the point is WE ARE ALMOST READY! We have all the clothing/equipment except a hairnet but that shouldn't be hard to get. I just need to polish the tack, give Wisey a bath the day before, and memorize the end of the second test...xP and then RIDE.
We had a lesson today and we did better than we ever have before. We pulled off both tests really well and I didn't get sick halfway through the lesson - which is a first! Well, I had some problems remember parts of the tests...but Wisey was perfect! :D Plus his girlfriend Sadie was in the ring during the first half (She's a Haflinger as well - they look a lot alike but she's darker and skinnier) and they are adorable together. Anne (her rider/owner) says that one day we should do a double Dressage test with each other one day because they look so good with each other, and I think that would be awesome! Unfortunately, we are competing AGAINST each other four times in the show =O It wont be a problem though, in the beginning Dressage tests your only real competition is yourself. Sounds weird, but it's true. Plus this is Wisey & I's first test - we will probably not do very well xD Wisey will be distracted seeing all the new things and people in the stands and I will be nervous and do something stupid and forget the test. YUP! :D But it's for fun, so as long as we don't get disqualified i'm good. If we do i'll be extremely embarrassed :P (Of myself, not Wisey)

Also, Wisey has a new stall with a RUN so he can be nosy and look at everything :) He loves it.

RIP Grandma

My Grandma died very recently - She fell and broke her hip and shoulder, and during the surgery there was a blod clot, causing a stroke. Later in the day she had a heart attack. She was in a coma for days, and when she came out she had lost the ability to speak and could only move her eyes and one arm. She held on for much longer than the doctors thought she would, but she started pulling the tubes out and eventually she passed away. As sad as I am that she's gone, i'm very glad she's out of pain. She was in a LOT of it, and they wouldn't give her morphine because of legal reasons which I think is BULL. She was in PAIN. :/
The Wake wasn't bad actually - I loved seeing family that I hadn't seen in a long time - my cousin Matt I hadn't seen in YEARS.. as in, 7 or so! Kieran ran around being adorable, so that was a happy distraction. The funeral, however, was horrible. Seeing so many people I love cry and feel so miserable was heartbreaking. I hated it, so much. And of course, in the middle, my nose decided it had to start gushing out blood. Thank you for that, nose. When they buried her, I gave Kieran a flower and he threw it into the grave (and he's only 19 months!) it was sad, but very very cute. He really is a blessing.
So, RIP Grandma<3

Birthday Party

I turned 18 recently (September 15th) and what does that mean? TATTOOS of course! So, my very first is my horse's name. He means so much to me, you don't even know. I want to get collar bone tattoos as soon as I decide on WHAT to put there (Have to be 110% sure ahaha) A picture on both sides, and I want them to correspond. That's all I know so far :)

Anyways, my party turned out very awesome! I was worried no-one was going to show up so I was very happy when almost everyone came :) Jay & Corey of course. Cianah & Abby from RSS :D Beau, Randy, Clayton, Kristen, Molly, Chelsea, and my Aunt Sue and Pat (who aren't actually my aunts - oh well ;))
It was wonderful and AHHH! Jay has pictures - i'll post some later when he sends them to me :D

Basically: Sue and Chelsea are dangerous to play Ping-Pong with, but me and Clayton kick buttt - Super Smash Bros is more fun with lots of people - Cianah and Abby are adorable and I love them - For some reason men like stripping at my house - watching HELP in the middle of a storm<33 - Beau spending the night is very fun - aaaaaand I LOVE MY FRIENDS :D Yeeep.

Oh and even though NOBODY READS THIS BLOG, if you happen to be reading (LOL you aren't):

Meeting Eoin Colfer and Ellen Hopkins

 This guy was acting as Artemis Fowl (The main character of Eoin Colfer's books Artemis Fowl - what he's most famous for) He was pretty clever! The kids would ask him questions and he answered them really fast, and they were all things Artemis would say - so AMAZING IMPROV :D And he was suppose to keep a straight face the whole time, and little kids were asking hysterical things.. but he didn't even smile! So awesome<3 (I look disgusting in the picture - ignore that)

 And the AMAZING EOIN COLFER :D I love him, so much. He gave a huge speech before hand and I was crying I was laughing so hard, he's HILARIOUS. Aghh, even if you don't like his books go watch a YouTube video of him talking or something - You will laugh. I guarantee it. He told me I was stylish! (Then he said "Well, if I think it looks good it's probably uncool - that's what my son says anyways) BUT he was so nice and signed my book and AHH so many run on sentences but THIS IS EXCITINGGG. :D

Ellen Hopkins - To be honest i've only read one of her books (Burned) but I loved it very much, even though it was very depressing and I cried a bunch. The way she writes and the details - Extraordinary! I want to read the rest of her books ASAP (My to-read list is two pages long though - i'll get there eventually!) Her speech was wonderful. I almost cried (She really hits your emotions). Her first book, Crank, is about her own daughters addiction to Meth, and although I haven't read it it sounds like it's been a horribly tough road, and it's still not over. And yet, she was happy! She smiled and laughed! I admire how strong and brave she has to be for that to be possible. And her Twilight imitation made me laugh :P She does not seem to like Bella very much. Her point was valid - just because your boyfriend leaves you, you shouldn't  jump off a cliff!

Soooo I love books. And the people who write them. I want to write my own, and I want it to be so great that people quote lines from it. The kind that make you think and make your own.