Monday, September 6, 2010

Japanese Festival

Saturday, Corey, Jay, Kristen and I went to the Japanese Festival. We went really late, so we missed all of the events basically, but we saw the Taiko Drums :)
We ran into Cianah (from RSS) also, so that was awesome :D
It was a fun day..we got lost in a "ghetto" neighborhood, got Ramune, and sang the HIDE YO KIDS, HIDE YO WIFE song through the whole thing. I'm going back to the festival later today (it's 6:30 AM don't ask why i'm up) so i'm pretty excited to go see ice sculptures and stuff :)

Also, go read Perks of Being A Wallflower - I could write about it for hours...and i'll put up a blog about it later - but just READ IT. <3

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